Project Compassion is committed to developing community resilience and building sustainable individual, household, and community wellbeing.


A vision in which communities with strengthened systems and assets are positioned for a resilient and sustainable future and more likely to withstand a natural disaster, disease, and economic downturn.


Navy Veterans Diogenes Hernandez and Will Ramirez were brought together by a call to serve. First, their nation, then at home and abroad, within at-risk and vulnerable communities, by applying their diverse skill sets to help make them stronger, sustainable, and resilient. Together, they founded Project Compassion in 2021, focusing on addressing community development at a broader level by building and strengthening indicators of systems within a community. Several components make up the systems of a community. They may include its healthcare system, its agrifood system, and its housing system, to name a few. 


Indicators such as access to clean water or adequate housing, level of commerce, or equitable access to healthcare impact those various systems. Research has shown that when you strengthen one system, others benefit from it, and a community is made more sustainable and resilient for it. Along the way, other like-minded individuals and organizations heeded the call to join Project Compassion in fulfilling its mission within every community it interacts with. Building community resilience is something that we can all take part in. It means more than just focusing on strong infrastructure and an ability to overcome vulnerabilities. It is also about building pathways for social equity within those systems.


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